Trump Beats Kamala to Visiting The Border

Written by Nathaniel Mannor

Kamala Harris, already one of the most despised politicians in America, isn’t making her image any better as she has neglected to visit the Southern border. This comes after President Biden put her in charge of dealing with the surge of illegal aliens entering the country at record rates not seen during the Trump administration.

Instead, Vice President Harris has met with the presidents of Mexico and Guatemala to negotiate a solution to halting increased illegal immigration stemming from those two countries. But her efforts come to no avail. Rather than deal with the situation herself, Harris would prefer appeasement over challenging solutions to get the job done.

When pressed on why she hasn’t visited the U.S.-Mexico border in an interview with Lester Holt of NBC, Harris’s weak excuse was that she also hadn’t been to Europe, implying that she can’t be everywhere at once. But most significantly, she can’t be at the one place where she’s supposed to be. It’s telling you’ve failed at your job when even the liberal media question your work ethic.

But where Democrats fail, Republicans succeed. For example, Texas Governor Greg Abbot secured the border, a top policy to protect Texans against threats posed by illegals after they overran his state. In addition, Abbot has pledged to withhold licenses for facilities in his state that house illegal immigrants, to which the Biden administration has threatened to sue Abbot in retaliation.

The Texas Governor also invited former President Trump to tour the border and help him bolster support for his re-election. Trump has been busy shoring up his base for the 2022 midterms, which could see Republicans reclaim the Senate, but they will face an uphill battle. The 45th president plans to help Abbot finish the border wall he started back in 2017 when he first took office. As usual, Trump continues to troll his Democratic opposition as they fall short on their promises.