Newsom Launches Electronic Vaccine Verification, Claiming They Aren’t Vaccine Passports

It’s summer, and the masks are coming off. At least they’re supposed to be. While the rest of America has returned to normalcy, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced that on June 15, 2021, the 14-month mask mandate is finally coming to an end. But as Newsom has shown time and time again, that certainly doesn’t mean life as usual.

Even though the mandate officially ended on the 15th, Governor Newsom has instituted a new kind of electronic system to keep track of vaccination cards for Californians. However, he has yet to describe the latest version of vaccine cards, though he compared them to New York’s Excelsior Pass. This is to replace the old paper vaccination cards and alleviate the difficulties businesses face with people presenting fake vaccination cards.

While Newsom claims that vaccine cards aren’t a requirement, some businesses still require masks to be worn at all times. Others opt for customers to either show vaccination cards or use the honor system when asking about one’s vaccination status. But some are going a step further by hiring bouncers to kick people out if they present faulty vaccine cards or refuse to wear a mask.

The Governor has also encouraged fast-food restaurants, such as Taco Bell and Chipotle, to give our free food to anyone who can show proof of vaccination. Additionally, he has promised free vacations to Anaheim, Los Angeles, Palm Springs, San Diego, or San Francisco to fully vaccinated Californians.

Governor Newsom can assert all he wants that life will begin again as before, but his continued policies of tracking the vaccination status of his constituents say otherwise.