San Diego Democrats take away 2nd Amendment Rights with City Attorney’s Legislation

A few weeks ago, the San Diego City Council approved “The Safe Storage of Firearms Ordinance.” San Diego’s City Attorney, Mara Elliott, proposed the city ordinance last month. This injunction requires guns to be stored in a locked container or disabled with a trigger lock unless they’re being carried on a person’s body.

Some have come out in defense of the law, but citizens who advocate for the Second Amendment rights and broader self-defense argue that this ordinance is unconstitutional and unenforceable, while making it more difficult for individuals to access their guns in a time of emergency.

The Safe Storage of Firearms Ordinance was first presented at the Public Safety and Livable Neighborhoods Committee meeting on June 5, 2019, where it was approved to go to a full council vote.

The ordinance passed with Councilmembers Gomez, Bry, Campbell, Ward, Montgomery, and Moreno all voting in favor.

Councilmen Chris Cate and Scott Sherman stood with their constituents in defending the rights of San Diego’s citizens. The ordinance had a bizarre beginning, as it was introduced by what is supposed to be a nonpartisan city attorney. The proposal of the ordinance and how it subsequently passed has shown, yet again, that the city attorney and her cohorts on the City Council are putting politics before people.


Photo by Alexander Andrews