Churches Take Massive Wins Against Newsom In The Supreme Court

Written by: Alex Hays

It’s no secret that churches have been unfairly treated in California during the lockdowns, however, they have started to swing back at Newsom with First Amendment lawsuits that have proven that Newsom has been in the wrong throughout this pandemic.

After two settlements this week and multiple rulings from the U.S. Supreme Court, it appears that churches have inspired other groups to begin fighting back. With about two weeks left until California’s tier system and mask mandate are lifted, businesses are crawling to the day they are able to open back up to full capacity.

The U.S. The Supreme Court had ruled the case in the church’s favor which returned the right of indoor worship to the churches. In April the ban on at-home religious worship and religious gatherings was paused, however, after the Supreme Court ruled that Newsom’s ban was unconstitutional churches can practice religion and have a place of worship at full capacity. Both State and Federal powers have defended Newsom’s emergency actions claiming he is working to protect Californians, however, the Conservative majority Supreme Court views his actions as a direct violation of our First Amendment rights.

The government’s attempts to control and command our churches are bordering on socialism which itself is communism in early stages with the Democrats wanting to push socialist ideas on the youth. The churches had appropriate reason to fight back against the government that wanted to control gatherings of religious people. All Americans should have the right to fight back against a state government that is blatantly targetting places of worship in unconstitutional bans and lockdowns.