War Memorials Vandalized This Past Weekend By Unknown Anarchist Groups

Written by Alex Hays

An Oregon War Memorial was vandalized this past weekend by an unknown group of anarchists late Saturday night. The Eugene Police were contacted Sunday morning to investigate the vandalism.

On memorial day weekend the Providence War Memorial, which was 4 with the names of the residents of Providence who passed away in World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. When the police arrived at the scene the officers saw some veterans already washing some of the blue paint off the memorial stones as some of the blue paint was still on the memorials. But the veterans had washed off a majority of the paint. No current suspects or any groups claimed responsibility, the unknown anarchist group defaced the War Memorial, the memorial was tagged with the writing “I refuse to Glorify imperialism.” Showing how out of touch these groups are with what these wars were fought for and the sacrifices servicemen and women have made to ensure the safety and preservation of our Constitution. 

The vandalism of the war memorial shows that our education system isn’t teaching our new generation properly about the sacrifices our military forces took for us and our freedom. Democrats have dumbed down our education and stopped heavily teaching the history of our servicemen and this generation doesn’t understand how the servicemen suffered to make the United States a powerhouse state for good living and a good life. The lack of education is making young adults and adults not understand what memorial day means aside from a day off of school or work.