Brandeis University Assistant Dean Claims “All White People Are Racist”

Written by Alex Hays

In another case of Leftist critical race theory being promoted in universities, Brandeis University Assistant Dean Kate Slater said in a recent social media post “all white people are racist” and claims she hates “whiteness” What is “whiteness”? The color of a person’s skin? Their actions?

In an Instagram post by Slater she had claimed “Yes, all White people are racist in that all White people have been conditioned in a society where one’s racial identity determines life experiences/outcomes and Whiteness is the norm and the default. That includes me!” Yet she says in a Saturday post she “didn’t hate white people” but yet she has the audacity to say she hates whiteness and doesn’t elaborate on what “whiteness” actually is.

Brandeis University is not alone in teaching far-left topics such as Critical Race Theory, SDSU and UCSD both mandate these courses. The teaching of Critical Race Theory only adds more fuel to the flame of division in our Country.

As the internet becomes more and more of an everyday tool for younger generations having people such as Kate Slater sharing outlandish opinions while holding a high position in our education system can only hurt our children as they look up to those with positions such as Deans and Assistant Deans. When we allow these views and claims to go unargued we are allowing the youth to only view a biased and outright dangerous and be persuaded to believe that “all white people are racist” and that they, like Slater, should hate “whiteness.”