Department Of Homeland Security Secretary Says ‘Significant Changes’ Will Be Made To ICE

Written by Will Seykora

“Significant Changes” are coming to ICE this year as deportations and arrests of illegal immigrants have come to a grinding halt following Bidens’ election as president. After a failed attempt to impose a 100-day moratorium on deportations the Biden administration gave ICE new guidelines stating that only national security threats and “aggravated felons.” can be deported. Anyone who falls outside of these categories can only be arrested if ICE officers gain preapproval from a superior.

Despite this new guideline being temporary, deportations have fallen to less than 3,000 in April. This is down 20% from March. With the effects on arrests being even greater, having only 2,000 made in April which fell from over 5,000 in January. ICE has also been forced to release a staggering 29,396 illegal immigrants into the U.S. since February.

The significant changes have yet to be seen as DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas decides what the best next step will be. “What those changes will be, I am wrestling with right now, quite frankly,” he said in an interview with The Washington Post. “I really am focused on it becoming a premier national security and law enforcement agency,” he continued.

However, as he makes these claims Republican officials have already begun to challenge these guidances in the courts. They claim the Biden Administration is not only committing a crime but also putting regular citizens into danger by allowing illegal immigrants to walk free. Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich told Fox News “Practically speaking, the result of what the Biden Administration is doing, it is literally slashing the amount of people being deported, slashing the amount of arrests and it literally means people that are dangerous, people who are felons are being released into our communities, so that is a threat to every neighborhood and every person.”

Many Southern Californians may recall back in 2018 when a “caravan” of illegal immigrants flooded through the border illegally posing a threat to our livelihoods. However, when that occurred then President Donald Trump ensured the safety of Californians by sending National Guard. With a seemingly non-stop wave of illegal immigrants attempting to get into Southern California, we can only hope that Biden doesn’t plan on opening the gates and allowing them to cross untouched.

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