3 Hypocritical California Democrats Who Abused Their Elected Positions During Covid

Written by Will Seykora

2020 was a difficult year for many Americans, between record-setting job loss and unconstitutional lockdowns. Americans struggled to connect with loved ones as the era of Zoom and online interaction grew. However, there are half a dozen Democrat elected officials who were too busy travelling to foreign countries, eating at expensive restaurants, or hosting Thanksgiving parties while telling their constituents to not hold any celebration.

Starting off with who else but Gavin Newsom, the French Laundry fanatic who spent the evening of November 6th celebrating a lobbyists birthday with people from multiple households, indoors, and without masks. Despite a state ordinance put in place by Newsom stating gatherings should be limited to no more than three households, the Governor of California decided it was best for him to hold himself at a different standard to keep his relationship with this lobbyist. His apology that followed was, to say the least, less than satisfactory for most Californians. “While our family followed the restaurant’s health protocols and took safety precautions, we should have modeled better behavior and not joined the dinner,” he said in a statement. I’m not sure about you but going maskless and not following state protocol doesn’t seem to be taking safety precautions.

Coming second on the list is Senator Diane Feinstein, who was seen without a mask multiple times throughout the pandemic. First, she was photographed at Dulles International Airport in D.C. without a mask in September, then again in November while walking the Senate’s hallways the same day as the Facebook/Twitter CEO hearings. She then later called on Congress to condition federal aid on state governments imposing mask mandates.

The third is Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi who back in November organized an indoor dinner for new members of congress. Despite telling her constituents to stay home and using her platform to champion social distancing and avoiding public events, she chose to promote this event as safe. After she received major backlash on social media, she decided to cancel the dinner and instead have members pick up the meals.

Photo via Associated Press