House Dems Pass $1.9 Billion Bill To Fortify The Capitol

Written by Will Seykora

House Democrats passed a $1.9 billion bill to fund a standing force of the National Guard in D.C. and provide better training and equipment for Capitol Police. The bill, which passed 213-212, was heavily scrutinized by Republicans and far-left Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar.

This bill provides $200 million for a standing army of National Guard members in the capitol meant to support the Capitol Police. It seems that despite spending four years calling walls and police evil Democrats now are passing this bill for their own safety and comfort. Something many Americans were not afforded due to Democrats’ lack of action when it comes to the southern border. Three Democrats voted against this bill with another three voting “present” and zero Republicans voting in favor. However, the unlikely alliance between a handful of Democrats and the Republican representation in the house is not due to similar views. The three Democrat dissenting votes came from Cori Bush, Ilhan Omar, and Ayanna S. Pressley, who released a joint statement saying “police surveillance and force without addressing the underlying threats of organized and violent white supremacy, radicalization, and disinformation that led to this attack will not prevent it from happening again.”

This bill also includes $162.7 million to upgrade windows and doors around the Capitol Building in an attempt to bolster defense against any possible future riots. With $17 million going towards new surveillance systems around the Capitol, this bill has proven to be a showing of Democrats’ true colors. Despite many spending the past year promising to defund the police, they seem to only value the service police do when the same kind of rioting that cost millions in property damage around the country comes to their front door. House Democrats are so out of touch with their districts they forget that the January 6th rioting was only a fraction of what happened in places like New York, Los Angeles, and even here in San Diego.

Photo Via Tom Williams