Biden Calls For Division, Not Unity

Written by Miguel Palacios

President Joe Biden has made a return to the state of Michigan to trumpet his new green energy and infrastructure plans. But in doing so, he has engaged in divisive rhetoric that further alienates half the country’s voters who did not choose him. 

During his visit to the Ford River Rouge Complex, he boasted about his American Jobs Plan and criticized his Republican predecessor’s administration. “They announced infrastructure week, and they announced it and announced it and announced it — every week for four years and didn’t do a damn thing!” said Biden, as if he were still on the campaign route for the presidential election. “Didn’t get the job done. Folks, the rest of the world is moving fast. They’re moving ahead. They’re not waiting for the United States of America. Government, labor and industry working together have to step up and we have a playbook that’ll work.”

It seems Biden didn’t get the memo that he is already president and that after securing the election, the most important thing is to unify the people, not further divide them. Maybe Biden just likes talking about his predecessor or has an obsession with him.

Nevertheless, as Biden touted his plans for the economy, he skirted around the subject of peace in the Middle East. Many of his constituents, supporters, and fellow Democrat Politicians are seeking answers to the issue ongoing in Israel, but due to his “quiet and intensive” stance on foreign policy, these are answers he is unwilling to provide.

Though Biden criticized Trump for his supposed inaction in policy, he is now guilty of it. To the public, it appears that Biden is sitting on his hands while innocent people are dying in Israel and the Palestinian Territory of Gaza. The only words he was able to offer were to Representative Talib of Michigan, stating, “…I pray that your grandmom and family are well. I promise you I’m going to do everything to see that they are, on the West Bank.” Words that will surely prove hollow and meaningless.