Biden Taps Into Covid Funds for Migrant Camps

Written by Destiny Garcia-Rodriguez

Once again, the Biden Administration is misusing taxpayer dollars. Over $2 billion in funding that is meant to be used for COVID-19 relief including testing and medical supplies has been approved by Congress to provide shelter and care for migrants that have crossed the border. Despite many still needing to be tested for COVID and hospitals needing to be funded to ensure they are able to keep up with demand should there be a spike in cases, congress has approved this money to go to non-citizens. 

While there is still a need for funds to help alleviate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic for citizens of the United States, Biden believes tax dollars would be a better use for non-citizens who need help. Over $2.13 billion has been provided for shelters that house immigrant children into tight spaces, preventing social distancing and possibly causing America’s next large outbreak of Covid.

The priority of this country should always be to care and provide for the citizens of the United States and as seen through Biden’s actions, he does not have Americans’ best interest in mind. As expected, many Republicans are angered with the fact that Biden has reversed the great progress former President Trump has made regarding the border crisis. With no way to properly house or feed immigrants kept at these camps, Biden has decided to just use Americans’ money to do it. Just as he plans to give them free healthcare and schooling over the next 3 years, he will continue to take from the pockets of Americans and put that money into encouraging illegal immigration.  

The purpose of taxes is to allow for improvements for the people of the United States. No one is to blame except for Joe Biden for creating this mess as New York Representative Nicole Malliotakis said when referring to the border crisis, “The President single-handedly created this crisis and is now misplacing billions in taxpayers’ money,”