CA Prison Guards Stand Up Against Mandatory Vaccinations

Written by Elina Linner

The majority of prison guards in California are refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccination. Like numerous other Americans, they are not sold on being vaccinated against COVID due to the possible side effects caused by a rushed and poorly tested vaccine. 

The opponents of the vaccine aren’t just those who don’t believe in vaccines. Many fear the long-term side effects or say they have already developed antibodies from previous COVID exposure. One correctional officer who tested positive for COVID-19 back in December 2020 stated “A lot of us have already had COVID and recovered, so we don’t see the point in getting the vaccine.” 

Advocates of the vaccine blame un-vaccinated prison guards for jeopardizing other people’s health. Even Universities in California are requiring all returning students, faculty and staff to be fully vaccinated prior to returning back this fall. 

If vaccines actually work, then why do vaccinated people care so much about other people not getting vaccinated? A while back there was a big controversy in regards to “My body, my choice.” Apparently, this statement doesn’t fit in the new narrative with threatening people with “If you don’t get vaccinated, you have no business working”. This was a statement made by Hadar Aviram, a professor at UC Hastings College of the Law. While rehabilitation specialist who works in Southern California said, “I’ve been vaccinated. I don’t have a problem doing that. But I also don’t have a problem with other people not getting it.” 

Aggressive campaigns urging all individuals to get vaccinated have been launched by many leftist institutions using incentives and peer pressure. This includes videos that show union board members being vaccinated and consulting with UC Berkeley’s Goldman School of Public Policy on how to convince more staff to get vaccinated

The push has gone unnoticed by all staff and it was mentioned that fully vaccinated employees can skip the weekly COVID tests. These small changes make it a little easier for employees to work. However, a veteran correctional officer from the Sacramento area who doesn’t believe in vaccinations mentioned how the marketing has failed to change her mind.