Harris Still Has No Control Over Our Southern Border

Written by Elina Linner

Custom & Border Protection has released new migrant apprehension numbers for April. There is a 944% increase from April 2020 (17,106) to April 2021 (178,622). According to Fox News, there is also a 63% increase from the last surge in April 2019 under the Trump Administration. This is the highest amount of migrant apprehensions in over 20 years. 

Custom & Border Protection continues to see a large influx of illegal immigration along with the Southwest Border and Kamala Harris nor the Democratic party is doing anything about it. The Biden administration is ending border wall construction and narrowing interior enforcement, while 20 governors urge Biden to act quickly on the border crisis. A letter from 20 Republican governors was sent to Biden this week directly blaming his policies for this increase stating, “The cause of the border crisis is entirely due to reckless federal policy reversals executed within your first 100 days in office”. 

According to the Biden administration, the border is not open, noting that most families and single adults are expelled through Title 42. Statistics show back in April, 111,714 migrants were expelled through Title 42, which never happened back in 2019 under the Trump Administration. Furthermore, the Democratic Party blamed the Trump Administration for not being adequately prepared for the migrant surge. Very interesting accusation since there is currently an ongoing border crisis and the Biden administration is not handling it. 

Instead, Kamala Harris calls for immediate relief for the northern triangle. The administration has proposed a $4 billion investment in the region to help the “root causes” of the crisis, pointing to poverty, violence, and climate in Central America. It is very clear that the Democratic party is not putting America first. America is not their priority and as the President of the United States, Bidens’ number one priority should be to protect the citizens of our great nation.