President Biden Banning the Mount Rushmore Fireworks Event Undermines Everything American

Written by Joey Brasil 

Following the Biden administration’s decision to cancel the Independence Day fireworks at Mount Rushmore, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem sued the administration with the hope of receiving a permit to save the event. 

This far into the pandemic with an optimistic future, it is ridiculous that President Biden is spending his time undermining American traditions. Last year, the event took place with President Donald Trump in attendance, following the celebration there were no COVID-19 cases linked to attending. President Biden’s administration seems to take our freedom as Americans for granted since they canceled a harmless event that symbolizes our history. 

Further, Governor Noem points out that the Biden administration has “departed from longstanding precedent and reneged on this agreement without any meaningful explanation.” Without the governor fighting back in hopes of upholding the event, President Biden would go unchecked while taking away the right for us as Americans to celebrate our independence. 

Despite the Governor’s request for President Biden to recognize the memorandum agreement in 2019 between the state and the National Parks Service, President Biden is clearly not concerned about upholding American tradition that brings joy to those who are grateful to see the fireworks display. 

While there are tribal partners that openly oppose fireworks at the Mount Rushmore memorial, the lack of action of President Biden to defend a celebration that Americans love attending to commemorate Independence Day is troubling. 

Especially given the adversities that Americans have been facing as a result of the pandemic, events that commemorate American traditions are crucial to uniting citizens. Without Independence Day, we wouldn’t be living under the same Constitution that ensures our right to life, liberty, and property. 

President Biden’s demonstration of his power to take away the right of citizens to celebrate their independence is significant of a dictator. While he is the President of the United States of America, he still neglects the freedoms to which every American is owed.