Caitlyn Jenner is Officially Running for Governor of California

Written by Amanda Angulo

On Friday, Republican Caitlyn Jenner went to Twitter to announce that she is running for Governor of California, hoping to unseat Gov. Gavin Newsom, who is facing a recall. In her Twitter post, she also included a press release that states she has filed initial paperwork to run.

In addition, her statement has also made it clear that she believes there needs to be a change in California’s Democrat party-lock. Friday was also the day that her campaign website launched. 

Jenner believes that due to her 3.5 million following, she will be able to get the word out in a faster way and has encouraged her followers to visit her campaign website “Caitlyn for California.”

The 71-year-old celebrity and former Olympian has been preparing for her campaign and has even constructed a team of Republican operatives to help. Tony Fabrizio, a 2016 and 2020 Trump presidential campaign pollster, and Steven Cheug, a Trump White House and reelection campaign aide who has also worked on the successful 2003 Arnold Schwarzenegger’s recall election victory are just 2 of the people who have joined her team in hopes to get her to Sacramento. 

Jenner has described herself as socially liberal and fiscally conservative. “I am a proven winner and the only outsider who can put an end to Gavin Newsom’s disastrous time as Governor,” stated Jenner in her press release.

As a result of being a celebrity running for office, some believe that this will be the beginning of a long line of celebrity and novelty candidates, as was seen in California’s first successful gubernatorial recall on Gov. Gray Davis in 2003. 

In 2003, Terminator-actor Arnold Schwarzenegger was the victor of the 2003 recall election. 

Jenner’s press release has ended with “I’m in!” demonstrating her dedication and motivation to remove Newsom from office.