Former Pres. Trump blamed for Atlanta mass shooting by Stanford

Written by Urvi Sakurikar

In a recent email signed by multiple members of Stanford’s faculty, the recent increase in violence towards Asian-Americans, specifically the recent murder of 6 Asian-American women in Atlanta, was attributed to former President Trump’s “[blaming] the COVID pandemic on the Chinese”. 

The email, sent by Associate Dean of Students and Asian American Activities Center Director Cindy Ng, also blamed “structural and institutionalized systems created to maintain white supremacy” for the violence. 

Ng was immediately, and rightfully, called out by Stanford College Republicans for using “the lives of those who died…to mount a cheap shot against President Trump,” and was demanded to apologize. 

The events that took place in Atlanta are undoubtedly tragic, as is any loss of life, but for Stanford to use such an unfortunate event to push their own never-Trump agenda is beyond insensitive. 

In addition, the fact that a President is being blamed for events that took place after he left office is ridiculous and dangerously illogical. 

Ng’s email is only one of many examples of the extreme politicization of public institutions, and how promoting a “woke” agenda is being prioritized over the education of students. 

Ng and Stanford University have yet to comment.