Maxine Waters Faces Backlash for Inciting Violence

Written by Brandon Lee Romo

Maxine Waters was faced with immediate backlash from Republicans on Sunday after she urged Minnesota protestors to “get more confrontational” if former police officer Derek Chauvin is not convicted for murdering George Floyd. When she was asked about the trial, Waters affirmed that “We’ve got to stay on the street and we’ve got to get more active, we’ve got to get more confrontational. We’ve got to make sure that they know that we mean business,” referring to the possibility that Chauvin may not be convicted.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) revealed on Sunday that she intends to introduce a resolution to remove Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) from Congress for her “continual incitement of violence.” “After traveling across state lines to incite riots, her orders recorded on video last night at the Brooklyn Center, directly led to more violence and a drive by shooting on National Guardsmen in Minnesota early this morning,” Green wrote. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene was referring to the two National Guardsmen who were injured after a drive-by shooting at about 4:19 Sunday morning.

On Saturday night Maxine Waters also stopped by the Brooklyn Center for a rally over the death of Daunte Wright. Rep. Lauren Boebert then criticized Waters on Twitter by writing “Why is Maxine Waters traveling to a different state trying to incite a riot? What good can come from this?”.

When there was a riot at the Capitol on January 6th, the left had no issue with blaming the incident on Donald Trump for inciting violence, even though he never urged any of the supporters there to take any further action. Yet here we have Democrat Maxine Waters literally telling protestors to “get more confrontational” if they do not get their way. Acts of violence have already followed Waters’ incendiary rhetoric.

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) tweeted “The Radical Left don’t care if your towns are burning, if there’s violence in your streets, or if the police are too defunded to defend their communities. As long as the Left appeases their anti-America base, their job is done.” Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) also questioned Waters by asking “Why is a sitting member of Congress encouraging protestors to get ‘confrontational’?”

If Maxine Waters is not faced with any punishment for her disgusting rhetoric that begs for further acts of violence, the Democrat double standard will be on full display. Democrats tried to impeach Donald Trump for the incitement of violence even though he never told anyone to take any action. On the other hand we have Democrat Maxine Waters who literally told people to “get more active” and “more confrontational” with violence coming as a result of it. As of now, it seems to be clear that only Republicans can be investigated for inciting violence.


Photo from The Hill