Jill Galvez Votes to Defund the Police

The defund the police movement, in an attempt to harm police funding, tried to hit Chula Vista, with Jill Galvez taking the lead by her voting against the city’s own police officers.

Galvez turned her back on the police officers that helped get her elected to her first term in 2018.  At that time, Galvez had made claims in support of the police in order to receive the police officer’s endorsement that helped her get elected against a very qualified candidate, Steve Stenberg.

Galvez’s false promises have now evaporated, showing her true agenda which is not supporting the police.  Galvez now has a streak of examples that show where she now stands against police and the safety of her community.

One specific vote was in July 2020, where she voted against a small 2% annual raise for the Chula Vista Police Officers.  The good news is that the measure passed 4-1 with Galvez casting the only anti-police vote.


Photo by Hayne Palmour IV / The San Diego Union-Tribune