Carlsbad Republican Women Federated committed to recalling Cori Schumacher

Written by Judy Rees

The Carlsbad Republican Women Federated answered the call and gathered with dozens of other Carlsbad residents and business owners at the Carlsbad Senior Center grounds to listen to the respected and admired Am 600 “iHeart Radio” Talk Show host, Carl DeMaio.  Carl announced the Recall Cori effort and that work can be done to save our community from Councilwoman Cori Schumacher’s continued misconduct.  She has created a toxic and hostile environment at Carlsbad City Hall – and we must remove her from office so the city can move past the mess she has created,” said Carl DeMaio

Outraged by her actions, ten Carlsbad Women in District 1 have signed a petition to recall Schumacher for misuse of the court system by placing a restraining order against her own constituents for voicing their opinions about her voting record and her outrages proposals.  Based on the First Amendment, she lost the case in court and Schumacher is expected to cost the City of Carlsbad court fees estimated at about $50,000 or more, plus unbelievable embarrassment.

Recently, Carlsbad restaurant owners opened their doors after banding together and making State news about the fact they would ignore state rules and start serving.  Schumacher and her council team of three still tried to place unobtainable restrictions on businesses and tried to pass rules to engage a police team made of citizens to monitor businesses and ensure they followed the rules.  All Carlsbad women, women’s business, and any business in the community are at stake here and we must join together, to overcome this takeover of our City of Carlsbad.

Go to the Carlsbad City Website and call in to register your telephone number by 2 pm the day of the City Council Meeting and then, voice your opinion on anything you need to discuss regarding the operation of our Community then go to and find out more.