New poll shows most Latinos favor recalling Gov. Newsom

Written by Amanda Angulo

Probolsky Research has released its results from a California state-wide survey in regards to the recall on Gov. Gavin Newsom. The poll spelled out some pretty bad news for Gov. Newsom. Latino communities in California have been found to be more likely to vote in favor of recalling Newsom than white, Asian, and Black voters.

The poll demonstrated that 44.5% of Latinos have claimed that they would vote to recall Newsom, whereas 41% said they would vote against it. In comparison to other voters, 49% of white voters said no, along with 39% of Asian voters and 72% of Black voters.

In addition, 58% of Latino voters are registered as Democrats, according to the Public Policy Institute of California, meaning that this is clearly not a party-side issue, but more of an issue of terrible leadership, mismanagement, and draconian regulations established by Newsom and his administration. 

Despite Latino voters only accounting for about 40% of the state’s population, they have been making up about half of COVID-19 related cases and deaths in California. People in the Latino communities are frustrated and angry that they are not being protected. Not only are they lacking protection from the virus during the pandemic, but they are also lacking protection economically and financially.

“He wants to control what we’re doing,” said Linda Martinez-Hanna, a health care aid from El Dorado Hills, when talking about her frustration with Newsom due to business closures and having to pay too much in state taxes. 

Throughout the pandemic that has been ongoing for a year now, Latinos are the ones who have been hit the hardest when it comes to job losses. In addition, they claimed they had a hard time reaching the state in regards to unemployment benefits. 

Due to Newsom’s mismanagement of the state, Latinos are “being disproportionately impacted health-wise and economically by this pandemic,” said Adam Probolsky, who is the President of the nonpartisan opinion research firm.

Then, in regards to vaccine distribution, Newsom was supposed to allot 40% of California’s vaccines to those residents that are most vulnerable with high infection rates, yet as of Wednesday, only 19% of the vaccines have been administered to Latino communities. California GOP Chairwoman, Jessica Patterson has also mentioned that “Latinos are fed up with empty words and double standards.”


Photo via PBS News Hour