Santa Ana to allow illegal immigrants to serve as citywide elected officials, will increase funding for defense against deportations

Written by Michael Palomba

Santa Ana, a highly populated city in Orange County, California, is moving forward with plans to allow illegal immigrants to serve on citywide commissions and boards.

The plan was finalized by the City Council on Tuesday and removes barriers that previously barred illegal immigrants from serving. The plan removes the requirement that members of citywide commissions and boards must be “qualified elector(s),” meaning eligible to vote.

Under federal law illegal immigrants can not vote in U.S. elections.

Now, all that will be required to serve on one of the aforementioned panels is being a resident of the city.

Additionally, the city has committed to making more of an effort to fund legal defense for residents facing deportation. A 2-year agreement with Immigrant Defenders Law Center for Immigration Legal Services is being considered, which would cost the city $400,000.

What we are witnessing in Santa Ana is only contributing to the environment that has created the crisis at the southern border. While the main reason for the crisis is Joe Biden’s changes to the immigration policy, cities taking actions like this sends a message that our laws don’t matter.


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