CDC Relaxes Social Distancing Guidelines For Schools

Written by Juan Sebastian Fragozo

The Covid-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on our society on every level, but most of all children, who have been taking classes at home without their classmates, without friends to play, talk or enjoy recess with. Taking classes online through screens has many disadvantages, most don’t learn properly, or are simply distracted by the plethora of other things available at their finger tips. Fortunately, school reopening is becoming a reality, and even better, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has adapted it’s guidelines to a more comfortable setting, students are now able to sit 3ft apart in classrooms, rather than 4ft or 6ft.

The Guidelines for reopening schools in California are still lagging, however, requiring social distancing between desks at 4ft apart. This makes things a lot more difficult for schools, due to the fact that there will have to put less desks in classrooms.

There is no scientific evidence that backs the social distancing guideline that California currently holds, but there is ample evidence of improved mental health and other benefits from in person schooling.

According to Dr. Gretta Massetti, who leads the CDC’S community interventions task force “Younger children are less likely to get seriously ill from the coronavirus and don’t seem to spread it as much as adults do, and that allows us that confidence that 3ft of physical distance is safe.” The CDC guidance also includes the removal of the recommendation to use plastic shields and other barriers between desks, as there is not much evidence of its effectiveness.

The truth is that schools should be reopening, and the new guidelines from the CDC provide a roadmap with ample scientific evidence to reopen schools safely, and keep them open for the sake of children’s education and mental health. The State of California, led by Governor Newsom, should abide by the guidelines set by the CDC and give a chance at a proper education for the young ones. 

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