Newsom, fearing recall, hosts extravagant, campaign-like State of State Address

Written by Urvi Sakurikar

While countless Californians suffer financial hardship from state imposed lockdowns and business closures, Governor Newsom spent his time on a weak attempt to save his own career through his State of the State Address. 

With the threat of a recall hanging over him and more of his own state turning against him, it is obvious to everyone that Governor Newsom is scared and fighting to retain his position; and his campaign-like State of the State Address made that even more clear.

However, the financial wellbeing of Californians and moving along the process of reopening California should be Governor Newsom’s only priority. 

In comparison to the rest of the nation, California is far behind in terms of opening up and economic recovery. 

For example, California’s unemployment rate is sitting at 9%, much higher than the 6.5% national unemployment rate.

Newsom’s decision to focus his time and resources on an unnecessarily grand and ultimately useless speech shows that he couldn’t care less about addressing the deeper issues faced by California. Instead, he is more worried about putting on a show. 

His show was made possible largely by the California State Protocol Foundation, which Newsom has contributed to heavily since 2019. Newsom’s contributions come via his political donors, who are sure to want something in return should Newsom survive the recall. Those donors include the California Teachers Association, the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians, Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria and former San Diego Padres owner Jennifer Moores.

The largest donors gave $200,000 each. In addition, the Dodgers gave the Governor complementary use of the stadium.

As the deadline for the Recall Newsom petition is fast approaching, it is crucial that people see Governor Newsom’s true character through the fancy speeches and cameras. 

The people of California deserve better than a governor who shamelessly brushes aside the damage done to the state through his own policy. 

Photo visa YouTube