Washington Post shows its blatant liberal bias in latest stimulus bill article

Written by Brandon Lee Romo

On March 6th, The Washington Post published an article titled “Biden stimulus showers money on Americans, sharply cutting poverty in defining move of presidency.”

In this article, The Washington Post commemorated Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill, which passed through the Democrat-controlled House and Senate along party lines. The article was met with immediate criticism as soon as it was posted on Twitter.

Podcast host Gerry Callahan teased the Washington Post by saying, “Hey, check it out. Joe Biden ended poverty…The guy is amazing!”

Frank J. Fleming, a verified Twitter user and novelist, retweeted the article with the caption, “Why are you reporting on Biden like a 90s era teen mag would report on Leonardo DiCaprio?”

Many other verified accounts, including Spike Cohen and Burgess Owens, joined in on the fun by sarcastically commending the apparent $1,400 solution to poverty.

In just the first two months of a Biden Administration, we can already see the media’s favoritism toward the new President. It appears as if the media now puts all of Biden’s acts and statements on a pedestal. Yet former President Donald Trump was brutally criticized and misrepresented by the media no matter the occasion. Below you can see an example, pointed out by Twitter user Yossi Gestetner.

Press conferences are now designed to assist Biden in looking good and the President rarely takes questions from reporters. Whereas when Trump was in office, reporters constantly asked loaded questions such as, “Do you regret lying to the American people?”

As you can see from the tweet below, the Washington Post was quick to point out what they viewed as a negative provision added by Republicans in the first stimulus bill, but they have not been very vocal about the fact that the majority of what Democrats put in the recently-passed, highly partisan 1.9T stimulus bill is not even related to the pandemic.

Political Columnist Joe Hill described the media’s favoritism toward Biden “T-ball except when you put a beach ball on the tee!”

It is clear that the media has always favored Democrat politicians. In fact, according to U.S. News, 96% of journalists’ political donations went to Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential race. The media now itches to praise Biden for anything he does, the same way they aimed to harass Trump at every given moment.

The Washington Post has since changed the headline to, “Biden stimulus showers money on Americans, sharply cutting poverty and favoring individuals over businesses.” The original copy of the article can still be found through internet archive databases, however.

The American people need a free press that they can trust. The bias and agenda of the media became apparent to all during the Trump presidency, and something must be done to combat it.

Photo via Wikimedia Commons/San Diego News Desk Illustrator