CA to spend up $28M to provide for asylum seekers

Written by Urvi Sakurikar

In typical Newsom fashion, struggling Californians are once again being cruelly swept aside in favor of illegal immigrants and non-citizens. 

Per an announcement on Thursday, the state of California is to spend around $28 million on food, shelter, medical care, and more for asylum seekers awaiting court dates.

In conjunction with the recent stimulus package that yields hefty benefits for illegal aliens, it is apparent that Governor Newsom and California Democrats could not care less about hard-working, tax-paying Californians who have been hit hard by the pandemic. 

The announcement came shortly after President Biden’s suspension of the policy that required migrants to wait in Mexico for court hearings. Arizona and Texas have already filed suit against the Biden administration over his immigration policy. 

Out of all states, California’s financial recovery from the COVID-19 outbreak in March 2020 has been one of the slowest and roughest.

With countless people losing their income because of the lockdown orders and the already significant homelessness crisis worsening, the last thing California taxpayers need is their government choosing to help non-citizens over them. 

In addition, the generosity of California’s budget can be attributed to a large wealth gap, which has only grown since the onset of the pandemic. 

Illegal immigrants in California are thriving at the expense of legal citizens who work hard and pay exorbitant taxes.

Californians deserve better than a governor who carelessly throws their hard-earned tax dollars at people with no legal right to government benefits. 

For this reason and many more, everyone who is eligible should sign the petition to recall Governor Newsom and elect someone who will put Californians first. Over 1.8M signatures have been collected and 2M is the goal. Visit Rescue California to download and sign the petition today. 

Photo via PBS