San Diego Comic-Con to be held virtually once again

Written by Juan Sebastian Fragozo

San Diego Comic-Con is one of the most anticipated conventions for comic fans. Thousands of people travel to our city to enjoy this world-famous convention, get the latest news of their favorite series, spend time with friends, and simply escape into a world of comics.  

Unfortunately, the much-anticipated event will once again be virtual. The only difference from last year is that the organizers will host an in-person three-day event taking place on July 23-25, but with a significantly reduced capacity. 

While states such as Florida, under the leadership of Governor DeSantis, continue to impress the nation with their outstanding and commensurate handling of the pandemic, our Golden State is falling far behind. The Superbowl was hosted in Tampa with 22,000 fans in attendance, yet in California, Gov. Newsom’s draconian shutdown orders are still in place as if this was the beginning of the pandemic. 

The Meetings, Conference, and Exhibition industry has been hit hard because of Newsom’s lockdown, with the majority of events scheduled for 2020 and 2021 being canceled. And this has a domino effect. Local businesses and restaurants that are yearning for revenue will now miss out on the chance to serve the thousands of people who usually attend Comic-Con.

While Gov. Newsom likes to refer to California as ‘a national leader,’ he has made it clear that the state is anything but that. Ron DeSantis and the state of Florida have led the nation in handling the pandemic, and Gov. Newsom should take note.

Photo via Daniel Knighton/Getty Images