Newsom and state Democrats announce stimulus payments for illegal aliens

Written by Urvi Sakurikar

Once again, Governor Gavin Newsom has failed Californians in a time when they need him most. 

On Wednesday, lawmakers unveiled a $9.5 billion stimulus package aimed at helping low-income Californians, small businesses, and others. However, this package set aside money for illegal immigrants, who could be eligible for up to $1,200.

Under the deal, illegal aliens with an Individual Tax Identification Number are eligible for $600 payments if their household income is below $75,000. If they qualify for the California Earned Income Tax Credit, they would receive a total of $1,200.

Jon Coupal, president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, said that while his organization is in favor of the stimulus payments, they do not believe they should go to illegal aliens.

“Many citizens of California who are taxpayers object to taxpayer dollars given to individuals who are not here under any legal authority,” Coupal said.

Even after witnessing the suffering and financial ruin that his excessive lockdown measures have caused, Governor Newsom is using American tax dollars to provide relief checks to illegal immigrants living in the state. Which will only worsen the budget crisis that was exacerbated by the pandemic.

As if Californians seeing their tax money go to illegal aliens isn’t enough of a slap in the face, this aid is being offered after countless small businesses have already gone under due to COVID-related restrictions. 

Many have described the aid plan as “too little, too late”.  

Governor Newsom and California Democrats should prioritize hardworking, law-abiding American citizens instead of trying to appeal to interest groups and illegal aliens. 

Their policies, coupled with their inherent irresponsibility and lack of common sense, are causing severe damage to Californians and California as a whole. 

California has struggled more than other states with recovering from the COVID-19 crisis due to the ineptitude of Governor Newsom and other state democrats.

If Californians want a government that treats them as a priority rather than an inconvenience, they must sign the petition to recall Gavin Newsom and have him replaced with someone who will do the job right. Visit to download and sign the petition before the quickly approaching March 10th deadline. 

Photo via Avosb / Getty Images/iStockphoto