Division among Democrats is delaying the next COVID-19 stimulus

Written by Joey Brasil

Division among Congressional Democrats is creating uncertainty regarding who will be eligible for the proposed stimulus package. 

The desire of some Democrats is to ensure that only Americans who are truly struggling receive the stimulus package promised by President Biden, which would mean lowering the income cap significantly for both individuals and married couples.

However, other Democrats have criticized this proposal due to the adversities that the pandemic has brought on middle-class families. 

Per Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on CNN, “The exact details of how it should be targeted are to be determined, but struggling middle-class families need help, too.”

Republicans, on the other hand, have been unified against the $1.9T stimulus bill presented by Democrats, saying that it is too costly. Many are worried about the effects that it will have on future generations due to the even further increase it would pose to the national debt.

Another problem relating to Democrats and the stimulus is that Biden deceived millions of American’s while he was trying to boost turnout for the Georgia runoffs. He promised $2000 checks, but most American’s were not aware that his promise to issue $2,000 payments was including the $600 already issued in December under the Trump Administration. That means Biden was really only promising $1,400, which voters did not find out until after he took office. 

The San Diego Union-Tribune declined to point this out in a recent article, stating instead, “Democrats will include payments of $1,400 per person in the stimulus proposal, fulfilling a key pledge from Biden to bring $600 payments from December to $2,000 in total.”

#BidenLied was trending on Twitter, which is considered to be among the furthest left of social media services, when the announcement of $1,400 checks was made.

While it is unclear when the stimulus package will be passed and who will receive checks, the division between the Congressional Democrats will only make the wait for pandemic relief longer.