John Cox jumps into the race for Governor as Recall nears 1.5M signature requirement

Written by Amanda Angulo

Republican John Cox has announced he will run for Governor if the recall election faced by Gov. Newsom is successful. And even if it is not, he will still run in 2022. 

The recall campaign has seen tremendous success and now has over 1.4 million signatures. The total needed is 1.5M and there are 30 days left until the March 10th deadline. 

When asked as to why he decided to run for Governor once again, he said, “there is nobody really proposing solutions”. 

He continued, “I’m not a politician. I’m a businessman. I solve problems. I deliver results in the private sector”.

“I have solutions,” he stated. 

As an attorney who has been working in the private sector for several years, Cox believes he can use what he has learned and apply it as Governor of California. He has warned that California is facing a crisis that has not been dealt with. 

Cox mentions that the state is facing an increasing rate of unemployment, the wellbeing of the children is at risk by keeping them at home, and that homelessness and housing need to be massively improved as well. 

“…there’s almost no effort to get the teachers back into the classrooms, and we can do it safely,” he said. 

The rate of vaccine distribution could also be improved, according to Cox, by allowing for pharmacies to administer vaccines. He claimed that West Virginia was successful in using pharmacies to administer the vaccines and that California should do the same. 

Under Gov. Newsom, California has been ranked dead last for vaccine distribution.

When asked what the first thing he would do as Governor would be, Cox replied by saying he would reopen the economy and schools while making sure vaccines are distributed through pharmacies.

In September of last year, Cox talked about how he wanted to keep unemployment numbers down and keep small businesses from suffering the negative implications of the current state of the economy; something Gov. Newsom has completely failed at.

Also in the running to be the next Governor of California is former-San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer and Democrat mega-donor Chamath Palihapitiya.

Back in 2003 when Gov. Gary Davis was recalled, over 135 people put their name in the running, so the pool of candidates will almost certainly grow if the recall effort successfully reaches its goal. 

Photo via the Associated Press