Recall Newsom Campaign Surpasses 1.3 Million Signatures

Written by Miguel Palacios

The Recall Gavin Newsom Campaign is going strong and has surpassed 1.3M verified signatures. With 35 days to go, the effort is looking very likely to succeed.

The push to recall the Governor began last June and picked up speed quickly as a result of Newsom’s poor handling of the pandemic. See our recent article on Newsom’s failures as Governor for more information on that.

If the campaign reaches the 1.5M threshold it needs to put the recall to a vote, it will be the first successful recall effort for a governor since 2003.

Many California voters have grown tired of Newsom and have a laundry list of grievances.

Former-Mayor of San Diego Kevin Faulconer, who recently announced his run for governor, said, “On Gavin Newsom’s watch our schools are failing, homelessness is skyrocketing, small businesses are closing, and jobs are disappearing. His broken promises have become our problems.” Faulconer also stated via Twitter, “… the state can’t even issue unemployment checks to people struggling right now to get by.”

In 2003, during the last recall election, 135 candidates threw their name in the ring. So far, both Republicans and Democrats have announced intent to run, but if the recall becomes official, the field will likely get crowded very quickly.