Kevin Faulconer officially announces run for Governor

Written by Michael Palomba

Former-San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer has officially thrown his hat into the ring to be the future Governor of California. He made the announcement Monday and released a video called “Promise.”

“What happened to the promise of California?” says Faulconer at the start of the video. He proceeds to describe what California used to be, and what it is now.

“California has become the land of broken promises. I’m Kevin Faulconer, and it doesn’t have to be this way. We can clean California up, and it starts at the top.”

What Faulconer is likely referring to when he says clean up starting at the top is the campaign to recall Newsom. Faulconer backed the effort just a few weeks ago as it amassed over 1,000,000 signatures. He also launched an exploratory committee in January, so many predicted his official announcement of running for Governor was imminent.

Faulconer served as the Governor of San Diego for 6 years, taking over after the resignation of the disgraced Bob Filner.

During Faulconer’s time as Mayor, San Diego thrived. He made infrastructure a budget priority with more than $3 billion in neighborhood improvements across the city, orchestrated the repair of thousands of miles of roads, secured federal promise zone designation to encourage economic revitalization, strengthened the city’s finances, made strides to reduce homelessness, and much more.

A list of his administration’s accomplishments can be seen on the city’s website.

For these reasons and many others, Faulconer’s tenure as Mayor was considered to be a major success. And now he would like to bring that leadership to the rest of the state.

Photo via Challenged Athletes