Biden signs record number of executive orders in first week

Written by Michael Palomba

President Joe Biden has thrown out the idea of separation of powers and is ruling the country by executive order. In only his first 6 days as President he has signed a whopping 28 executive orders.

If you were thinking it is normal for a new President to sign a host of executive orders once taking office, think again. Former President Trump signed just 4 executive orders in the first week of his presidency, and Obama signed only 5. Going back even further, former President George W. Bush signed zero in his first week and Bill Clinton signed just one.

NBC compiled a list of all the executive orders issued by the Biden Administration so far, which can be seen here.

Some of the most controversial ones include an order allowing illegal aliens to be counted in the census, rejoining the Paris Climate Accord, and canceling the Keystone XL pipeline (which eliminated thousands of jobs).

Biden made a big push for unity on the campaign trail, but if his executive orders say anything, unity is the last thing his administration is seeking. Rather, it appears the administration’s first priority is securing as much power as possible, both for the present and the future.

By counting illegal aliens in the census, far-left states with high undocumented populations like California and New York would receive more representation in Congress, more funding, and more Electoral College votes. California and New York were projected to lose at least one seat in the House following the 2020 Census, but if Biden’s efforts are successful and illegal aliens are counted, that could change.  And he isn’t stopping there, Biden also put a 100-day halt on deportations and vowed to create a path to citizenship for 11 million illegal immigrants currently living in the country.

Thankfully a judge temporarily blocked the 100-day halt on deportations and his other executive orders are likely to be challenged in court as well, but Mr. Biden’s intentions and priorities are on full display; and a lot of voters didn’t realize what they were voting for.

Photo by Evan Vucci/AP