Board of Supervisors officially declares racism a “public health crisis”

Written by Justin Culetu 

During this unpredictable time when a worldwide pandemic has forced millions of working Americans into financial ruins, it would make sense for a local government to do its part in eradicating this virus and reopening the economy. Not in 2021. Rather, the main focus of some local politicians is racism.

On Tuesday, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors voted 5-0 to officially declare racism a “public health crisis”. This resolution was introduced last week by Chair Nathan Fletcher and Vice-Chair Nora Vargas. 

Both Fletcher and Vargas released a letter to the board with some recommendations to combat racism in San Diego County. In the letter, they mention the fact that minority groups have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic financially. However, they do not include the best way to solve this problem. An opening strategy for San Diego County would do wonders to help people of all colors recover financially, but that solution was not mentioned.

Instead of focusing on the county’s COVID-19 response, which would benefit every single San Diegan, the Board of Supervisors seems to have its priorities elsewhere. For a group of people who claim to “follow the science and data,” the only science and data they are following seems to be that which supports their point of view.