Recall Newsom campaign hits 1,000,000 signature milestone

Written by Michael Palomba

The recall Gavin Newsom campaign hit a major milestone of 1,000,000 signatures. The organizers of the Newport Beach-based effort made the announcement on Tuesday.

In order to qualify for the ballot, the campaign will need about 500,000 more, but organizers are shooting for 1.8 million signatures total in case any are invalidated.

“One million frustrated Californians have signed the official recall petition,” said Tom Del Beccaro, chairman of the recall campaign. “We are two-thirds of the way to giving voters the opportunity to choose a new governor and a new direction for the state.”

You can download and sign the petition here.

Following Newsom’s strict stay at home orders that crippled the economy and forced many businesses into permanent closure, the recall campaign has taken off. Newsom also created some bad publicity for himself when he was caught at the French Laundry, a lavish restaurant north of San Francisco, completely disregarding his own COVID-19 guidelines. He initially lied about following COVID-19 guidelines but photo evidence later revealed he took no precautions.

In the past few weeks, the effort has received hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations and has been endorsed by many public officials. Most recently, former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer came out in support of the recall effort.

Photo via Rescue California