The Legacy of Kevin Faulconer

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

As Kevin Faulconer’s tenure as Mayor of San Diego has come to an end, now is a good time to reflect on the numerous achievements of his administration.

When Bob Filner disgraced the office of Sab Diego mayor after numerous sexual harassment scandals that resulted in his resignation, Faulconer’s leadership restored the dignity of the office while also helping the city recover from some of the most trying times in its history. 

One of Faulconer’s major policy accomplishments was rebuilding roads across the city. His administration repaired over 1,000 miles of road and managed to fix half of all roads in the city in only 6 years. 

Another success of the Faulconer Administration was expediting the building process for new housing. By reducing regulations and waiving fees, major progress has been made in fixing the city’s housing crisis. 

Faulconer also made great strides in resolving the homeless situation in San Diego. San Diego County is the only large county in California where homelessness has decreased for two years in a row. Faulconer has also reduced homeless encampments by 90% and has made San Diego the leader in addressing homelessness across the country.

For these reasons and many others, Faulconer’s tenure as mayor has been a major success. As Todd Gloria becomes the new mayor of San Diego, Faulconer may be vying for higher office. Though he has not announced the run, he is the logical Republican choice for governor given that he is a bipartisanly popular mayor from the State’s second-largest city. Regardless of whether he runs for governor, however, Faulconer was an excellent mayor of San Diego and his achievements will not be forgotten.