Phil Ortiz wins re-election to El Cajon City Council

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek 

Phil Ortiz has won re-election to the El Cajon City Council. He was the endorsed candidate of The Republican Party of San Diego County, and his leadership and community commitment throughout his life make it clear why. 

Ortiz is a small business owner and community advocate. He has been a dedicated volunteer in El Cajon for many years with his service as Board Member for the East County Chamber of Commerce, a Planning Commissioner for El Cajon, and a volunteer for a San Diego River Park Foundations committee, which contributes to expanding recreational opportunities in El Cajon.

Ortiz’s three priorities for El Cajon are public safety, financial stability, and homelessness. For public safety, he wants to ensure that El Cajon’s already top tier fire and police departments receive proper funding and continue being among the best in the nation.

Regarding financial stability, Ortiz believes the city should stay within its means. He says that the city should not run up debts that will have to be paid by its residents. He also wants to maintain a savings account for the city in case of another crisis. Under his leadership, the city now has $40 million dollars in reserve for essential services.

To solve the homelessness crisis, Ortiz wants to support local nonprofits that provide numerous services such as job opportunities and mental health services to the homeless. “When non-profits, businesses, the government and residents work together, we find solutions.” 

Now that Phil Ortiz has won reelection to the El Cajon City Council, he will be able to act on the promises he made during his campaign and will work to improve the issues facing the city.