Stop the Steal Rally Planned for Saturday at Waterfront Park

Supporters of President Trump have planned another Stop The Steal Rally at the County Administration Building in Waterfront Park.

The event will take place this Saturday, December 12th, from 12 pm to 2 pm. The address of the location is 1600 Pacific Highway

“Big Trump Rally is being held this Saturday, December 12, 2020 at High Noon. It lasts a couple of hours. Drive by and honk if you are in the area and don’t have time to wave flags and/or hold signs,” reads a description of the event

“Lots of folks have been meeting here on Saturdays for quite a while. This Saturday Rally is one of many held around the country in conjunction with the MAGA Trump rally in Washington, D.C.”

In addition to the Stop the Steal rally planned for tomorrow, an “All I want for Christmas is Freedom” rally, against Governor Newsom’s lockdown orders, is planned for Monday, December 21st at 3 pm at El Cajon Centennial Plaza. More information will be made available about that rally in the coming days.