San Diego Unified School District Implements Racist ‘White Privilege’ Training

Written by Michael Palomba

“Expect to experience discomfort.” That’s part of the “norms and agreements” of San Diego Unified’s ‘White Privilege’ training.

The details of the training were leaked on Thursday in an exclusive report, according to The Daily Wire.

Twitter user Christopher F. Rufo posted images of the training material.

This training may be one of the most racist ever to be given in the name of ‘anti-racism.’

Under the “land acknowledgment” section of the training, teachers must “acknowledge that we meet on stolen land, taken from indigenous peoples. I am speaking to you from Kumeyaay land. We must acknowledge the hidden history of violence against indigenous peoples in an effort to move towards justice.”

Also in the training is the “white fragility” section, which is defined as “a more powerful means of white racial control and the protection of white advantage.”

That section goes on to say:

“Since white people hold most of the political, institutional, and economic power, they receive advantages that nonwhite groups do not. White culture and white racialized identity refer to the way that white people, their customs, culture and beliefs operate as the standard by which all other groups are compared.”

The white fragility section also details that “radical stress” comes from making white people consider racial realities and “guilt, anger, apathy, frustration, and defensiveness, prevents us from having racial dialogue.”

I would argue that anyone who was sitting in a presentation designed to make them believe that they are inherently racist would experience those emotions; that’s not “white fragility.”

Other sections of the training include “You are Racist”, “You are upholding racist ideas, structures, and policies”, and “What can you commit to do?”

Under “What can you commit to do?” white teachers are encouraged to “confront and examine your white privilege, acknowledge when you feel white fragility, and teach others to see their privilege,” among other things.

Christopher Rufo brought up a notable point in his Twitter thread. Only 47% of San Diego Unified’s students reach proficiency in reading and math. So, rather than improving curriculum and better-educating students, the school is spending time indoctrinating white teachers to believe they are inherently racist.

This isn’t San Diego Unified’s first attempt to manipulate students and teachers regarding racism. Earlier this year they completely changed their grading system to “combat racism.” The changes made it so teachers can no longer consider missed due dates or classroom behavior when calculating final grades. Last I checked, due dates and proper behavior in class are not racist expectations.

I strongly encourage everyone to contact the board. This is blatant racism being implemented in our schools, and no one should stand for it.

Contact information for San Diego Unified School District Board Members is below:

Main Contact – (619) 725-5550 –

John Lee Evans – District A:

Kevin Beiser – District B:

Michael McQuary – District C:

Richard Berrera – District D:

Sharon Whitehurst-Payne – District E: