CA Business Exodus Continues: Hewlett Packard leaving for Texas

Like many other businesses (and residents) in California, Hewlett Packard is packing its bags and heading to Texas. Taking its tax dollars and countless jobs with it.

“HPE has made the decision to relocate its headquarters from San Jose, California, to Houston, Texas. HPE’s largest U.S. employment hub, Houston is an attractive market to recruit and retain future diverse talent, and is where the company is currently constructing a state-of-the-art new campus. The Bay Area will continue to be a strategic hub for HPE innovation, and the company will consolidate a number of sites in the Bay Area to its San Jose campus. No layoffs are associated with this move,” reads a statement from the company.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott celebrated the move, saying in a statement:

“We are excited that Hewlett Packard Enterprise has chosen to call Texas home, and I thank them for expanding their investment in the Lone Star State by relocating their headquarters to the Houston region. Hewlett Packard Enterprise joins more than 50 Fortune 500 companies headquartered in the Lone Star State, including 22 in the Houston area alone.”

The move was revealed in an SEC filing on the first of the month.

HP is the latest in a slew of companies that have moved operations out of the golden state. Over the years, Nissan, Jamba Juice, Toyota, Chevron, Tesla, and countless others have moved partially or completely out of California. And while Governor Newsom continues to cripple business with lockdowns and anti-business legislation, more and more companies are packing their bags.

Photo via Hewlett Packard