Local Restaurant Threatened into COVID Lockdown Compliance

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

While county officials are working to close down San Diego because of our latest purple tier ranking, some are taking the law into their own hands.

Rudford’s, a North Park restaurant that was planning to defy the lockdown, has been threatened into compliance. Anonymous residents have been threatening the restaurant over the phone and have even broken a window. The restaurant’s owner, John Kacha, has been a leading voice in defying the lockdowns, but the people harassing his restaurant have finally gotten their way.

This will severely hurt his business, and he’s not alone. Thousands of other businesses across San Diego County have felt the detrimental effects of these lockdowns. Kacha said, “They cut 25% of the dining room. We’re at 100% outside, our business is down 60%. It keeps going down farther. Don’t know how long we can keep in this situation.” His business is struggling as it is, but now violent harassers have only made it more difficult.

In the last few month’s we’ve seen a sharp increase in political violence. It seems to have started with the black lives matter riots and only continued from there. Once people realized that they could riot and loot while facing few to no consequences, they no longer had any incentive to remain civil. The blame for this is on high ranking officials who made the conscious choice to allow people to break the law without consequence. Democratic officials around the country refused to condemn the violence until it began to hurt their polling numbers, and liberal district attornies declined to prosecute crimes for partisan reasons. Even Presidential candidate Joe Biden resisted condemning violence, and his VP pick Kamala Harris donated to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which paid the bail for BLM rioters who had been arrested. These officials have sent the message that violence is okay, and that is going to be a hard one to rescind.