Multiple “Stop The Steal” Rallies Planned for San Diego this Weekend

“Stop The Steal” rallies are planned throughout the country this weekend. In addition to the Million MAGA March in Washington D.C. and gatherings planned at every state capital, local Republicans have planned rallies right here in San Diego.

On Saturday, the “Rally for Our Republic #Stop the Steal” will be located at Waterfront Park, Downtown San Diego, and run from 12 pm – 2 pm.

“Fellow American’s and San Diego Patriots, rise up in defense of our Republic. 2020 has ushered in unprecedented electronic and paper ballot fraud. The Communist Left cannot beat President Trump fairly, so they devised of numerous illegal tactics to accomplish their nefarious coup. The fate of our election, and thus the survival of our Republic, is now in the hands of the Supreme Court. Protest loudly, but peacefully, for truth and justice,” reads a flier for the event.

The flier also indicates that “riot and violence is not tolerated.”

The next event is in Poway on Sunday. The Poway Trump Supporters #Stop the Steal Rally will be located at 14969 Pomerado Road and will run from 10 am – 12:30 pm.