California Court Ruling Declares Governor Newsom Violates Constitutional Power

Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) released the following statement after a California Superior Court Judge issued a tentative ruling declaring Governor Newsom has violated the Constitution.

The ruling is in response to a lawsuit filed by Republican lawmakers Kevin Kiley and James Gallagher which challenged Governor Newsom’s ‘one-man rule’ and abuse of power. The ruling states that there is good cause for a permanent injunction restraining the Governor from issuing any more unconstitutional orders.

“Today’s ruling is a monumental victory for ‘We the People.’ The governor seems to have forgotten who he works for and this ruling should jog his memory. I am extremely proud of my Republican colleagues who continued our fight against the Governor’s unilateral abuse of power all the way to the court,” said Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove. “Democrats can try to undermine or assault our freedoms as Americans, but Republicans remain committed to upholding the freedoms that so many have fought and sacrificed for us to enjoy.”