Governor Newsom’s Children Back in Private School Classrooms While Others Forced to Continue Remote Learning

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

Gov. Gavin Newsom has allowed his children to return to school, while the rest of us get to deal with Zoom.

Newsom’s kids are now attending in-person private school, but this has not stopped him from keeping nearly all California schools closed. His children get an education, while others simply have to deal with remote learning.

On paper, Newsom is in favor of reopening schools. “We absolutely believe that the social-emotional learning that occurs in the classroom is the best place for our kids, certainly the best place for their parents as well,” Newsom said. “And so it is absolutely incumbent to do everything in our power to provide support to our districts so that they can safely reopen, emphasis on safely reopen.”

Unfortunately, this is all talk. If he really does believe this, he doesn’t seem to be trying very hard to reopen schools. He has delegated the decision to the California Teachers Association (CTA), which is firmly in favor of lockdowns—and he has not put much effort into lobbying them for a change of heart.

While Newsom’s kids get to go to private schools in-person, public school children are stuck with a poorly designed online format that is inferior to the already eroding traditional public school system.


Photo by Gage Skidmore via Flickr