Elizabeth Warren to Bring Campaign to San Diego

It looks like Pacific Beach will be celebrating in the coming days in light of the news that Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) will be bringing her presidential campaign to San Diego. After the airing of the Democratic debate, the consensus among Pacific Beach Democrats was strong support for Warren. While the date is uncertain, San Diego Democratic Party Chairman Will Rodriguez-Kennedy has confirmed her looming visit.

Typically, if a presidential candidate wants to visit a specific area, there needs to be communication with the Party leader of that area. Rodriguez-Kennedy has touched on the fact that the protocol has fallen to the wayside, but not to the Democratic Party’s dismay. Although, it did segue into another interesting point of discussion: the role of San Diego in the presidential primary set to take place in March. Although other areas of California hold larger representation, San Diego still holds enough power to sway the state-wide vote in the Democratic primary election.

The main reasons San Diego holds such power in the primary is the local population and the issue of the border. With the U.S.-Mexico border being in such close proximity and a pervasive political issue, it allows a candidate, regardless of their Party, to potentially obtain a national platform. The proper utilization of the platform could be a major advantage for a candidate.

When asked about the number of Democratic candidates that will make it to the March primary, Chairman Rodriguez-Kennedy predicted that it will come down to eight to 10 candidates. However, he said he would not be surprised if more candidates remained in the field since the only major deterrence for the candidates would be a lack of campaign funds.

Besides Senator Warren, California Senator Kamala Harris is the only other Democratic candidate currently scheduled to visit San Diego. Rodriguez-Kennedy has not heard anything from other candidates such as New Jersey Senator Cory Booker or former Vice President Joe Biden.

For now, Chairman Rodriguez-Kennedy will inform everyone of the specifics of Warren’s visit when the time comes.


Photo by Val Vesa