Kamala Harris Runs for Dictator

With the odds completely against the Democrats for regaining the Senate in the 2020 election, they are becoming aware that even a presidential victory will not be enough to have their unconstitutional legislation passed. But they certainly will not go down without a fight. Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), one of the Democratic frontrunners, has made that clear.

Her grand ideas suggest replacing democracy with tyranny on a wide variety of issues including immigration, taxes, healthcare, and gun rights. She has openly stated her plans to bypass Congress by using executive order alone to implement her policies. With regard to illegal immigrants currently covered by DACA, Harris has indicated her desire to unilaterally grant citizenship for the “Dreamers.”

So instead of constructing a plausible and concrete resolution, Harris has resorted to discarding our constitutional order—the legal and political framework for our nation—and replacing it with her own twisted authoritarianism. Harris seems blindly unaware of the fact that no president has the power to ignore our system of separation of powers and checks and balances to create new laws.

Senator Harris has said she is going to expand the unconstitutional DACA program while also enabling “Dreamers” to obtain green cards. How exactly can this be done? According to Harris, the Immigration and Nationality Act is standing in her way. She intends to illegally use her presidential power to undermine the law and stretch it far beyond its constraints. She also hopes to recreate Obama’s Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DAPA) and Lawful Permanent Residents program.

Through her Administrative Procedure Act, Harris seeks to incorporate this recreation, taking it much further than even Obama did. Once again, this plan has no legal basis and constitutes a despotic attempt to consolidate power in the executive branch. It should also be noted that the Supreme Court, through affirmation of the Fifth Circuit of Appeals opinion, blocked DAPA during the Obama administration.

During the recent Democratic presidential debates, Harris said that on her first day as president she would repeal the legislatively-passed tax reform. Once again, she would not have the constitutional authority to repeal the bill. She also made clear—before reversing her position for the third time—that she would support a Medicare-for-All bill that would abolish private health insurance. A dictatorial move that would remove health insurance from hundreds of millions of Americans. Under President Obama, if you liked your doctor, you couldn’t keep him. Under a Dictator Harris, if you like your health insurance, you can’t keep that either.

Lastly, Harris has repeatedly signaled her intent to curtail the Second Amendment rights of Americans through—you guessed it—executive order:

If Kamala Harris won the presidential election, her illegal and authoritarian legislation would almost certainly never pass. Her promises are simply political ploys to pander for votes. Senator Harris will have to hold off on her dreams of becoming dictator-in-chief and dismantling American democracy for a while longer.


Photo by William Krause