Candidate Profile: Bartek Murawski for Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District

Bartek Murawski is running for Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District Area 3 as the endorsed candidate of the Republican Party of San Diego County.

Bartosz “Bartek” Murawski is a patriot, entrepreneur, and an immigrant who, at the young age of 15, moved from his hometown of Bydgoszcz, Poland to the United States. He earned associate’s degrees in both Business and Economics from Grossmont College, successfully transferring to Arizona State University to receive his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. 

As a trustee on the board, Murawski will focus on three things: fiscal responsibility, vocational education, and putting students over special interests.

On fiscal responsibility, Bartek will ensure that the district’s budget of over half a billion dollars is put to good use. This would give every East County family access to a quality community college education without the burden of inaccessible tuition or high taxes to finance it.

With regard to vocational education, Murawski wants to see our students equipped with the skills necessary to get good-paying jobs in the community. After all, what good is a degree if you can’t find a job when you graduate?

“Students that participate in vocational training programs through our district are able to find high paying jobs in industries ranging from nursing to computer science to culinary arts. As a governing board member for our district, I will work to support and strengthen our career tech programs.”

Lastly, and arguably most importantly, Bartek will put students over special interests. Labor unions and other special interest groups are often given not just a seat at the table, but the entire table—and that hurts students more than anyone. Murawski believes it’s important that negotiations take place between independent board members, free from union influence. The students are the priority, and it’s time we elect board members that will recognize that. 

For more information about Bartek’s campaign for Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District, visit