California is Apparently Not Far Left Enough for Many Democrats

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

Progressives own this state. It’s unfortunate, but it is also true. Despite this fact, some Democrats are claiming that the state is not far left enough and even “Democrat in name only.”

Their argument is that since the state has not passed free healthcare for all and repercussions for bad policing aren’t to their satisfaction, the state is Democrat, but not progressive. This and many other reasons are causing somewhat of a mini civil war between the establishment wing of the Democrat Party and the New Left. 

This sort of conflict is great for Republicans on a national level because the nation is competitive, but it changes little at the state level where Democrats maintain supermajorities in the State Assembly and State Senate. Whichever side wins, both Republicans and Californians as a whole lose. If the New Left wins, the far-left beast grows stronger until anti-police squads are punishing people for refusing to wear masks in taxpayer-funded gulags. If the establishment wins, the state moves further into debt and high taxes, while more and more people leave the state. Either way, the state is in decline under Democrat control.

The New Left is also blatantly misrepresenting their situation. While they don’t get absolutely everything they want, they do get most of it. There are very few policies of the far-left that establishment Democrats have rejected. They got their reparations committee, climate change money, affirmative action proposition, mandatory ethnic studies courses, payments to illegal immigrants, and free healthcare probably isn’t too far away. They’ve gotten just about everything they’ve asked for, but it’s not enough—and it never will be.

There is no definitive answer for Republicans as to what should be done to combat the Left’s takeover of the Golden State. Mobilizing communities and putting forward better candidates seem to be the only ways to win, however. The state must be won back the same way it was lost—one community at a time.