County Supervisor Kristin Gaspar Secures Two Key Endorsements

In perhaps the most important race in San Diego County, Supervisor Kristin Gaspar has secured two more highly-coveted endorsements. She was officially endorsed by the Latino American Political Association (LAPA) and the San Diego County Deputy Sheriffs’ Association.

These particular endorsements are especially crucial because Gaspar’s opponent, Terra Lawson-Remer, has been desperately smearing her at every turn of the campaign. The typical baseless attacks of “racism” and “bigotry” and “Trump Republican” have been Remer’s go-to lines, which Democrat voters are likely becoming tired of.

LAPA’s endorsement of Gaspar is just one example of how unserious these attacks are, as one of the leading Latino political organizations in San Diego is proudly supporting Gaspar’s re-election.

“The Latino American Political Association is proud to support Kristin Gaspar for re-election,” said LAPA President Delores Chavez. “Kristin is a strong voice for families, small businesses, and public safety whose worked to help the most disadvantaged in our community.”

Moreover, Remer’s hostility to law enforcement and alliance with those demanding that we “defund the police” all but excludes her from any possibility of such an endorsement. While Supervisor Gaspar adds voters and endorsements, Remer continues flailing with weak character attacks.

Supervisor Kristin Gaspar’s impeccable record speaks for itself, as both of these organizations clearly understand. Remer’s only real record is as a Democrat strategist, which is to say that she has no relevant understanding or experience that will advance the interests and priorities of constituents.

For more information about Kristin Gaspar’s re-election campaign, visit