San Diego County Releases Halloween COVID-19 Restrictions and Guidelines

Written by Michael Palomba

With Halloween right around the corner, many of you are probably wondering what effect COVID-19 will have on the holiday festivities. Well, good ol’ big government has already decided what we can, or better yet, can not do this Halloween.

There are several activities that are not allowed, according to the county, including:

  • In-person gatherings and events are currently not allowed under the County of San Diego Public Health Order.
  • In-person gatherings, events, or parties with non-household members, even if they are conducted outdoors, since maintaining 6-feet of distance between participants cannot be easily maintained. 
  • Carnivals, festivals, petting zoos, and live entertainment because frequent interaction with high-touch surfaces by children and participants increase the risk of infection to the community.

The county is instead recommending online and drive-thru celebrations as well as “one-way” trick or treating, where residents leave pre-packaged goodie bags at the edge of their property for trick or treaters. Additionally, the county is recommending that residents give out treats other than candy, like pencils and mini pumpkins, so the items can be sanitized.

What the county did fail to mention in their suggestions is the fact that COVID-19 has around a 99% survival rate for the majority of age groups. Even President Trump, who is 74-years-old and overweight, caught the virus and overcame it within a week. 

The full scope of the guidelines can be viewed in the image below.


Photo by Marco Verch Professional Photographer via Flickr