Candidate Profile: Jordan Gascon for Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College Board

Written by Michael Palomba

Jordan Gascon is running for Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College Board as the endorsed candidate of the Republican Party of San Diego County.

Mr. Gascon has a Masters in Diplomacy with a concentration in International Conflict Management from Norwich University and a Bachelor’s in International Security and Conflict Resolution with a specialization in Conflict, Conflict Resolution, and Cooperation from San Diego State University. He has lived in San Diego for decades and in East County for 4 years.

Jordan has worked in and around politics for much of his adult life. He is a dedicated believer in small government and has over a decade of experience in the industry. Currently, Jordan is the Executive Director for the Republican Party of San Diego County and serves as the Parliamentarian for the Latino American Political Association in San Diego County. He is also the founder of the HOPS Foundation, serves as a Director of the Resource Conservation District of Greater San Diego, and formerly a director at the Citizens’ Law Enforcement Review Board (CLERB) for San Diego County.

If elected, Jordan would like to instill the values of fiscal responsibility, vocational education, and putting students over special interest in the board.

The Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District operates on a budget of over half a billion dollars. The governing board has a responsibility to ensure these taxpayer dollars are spent responsibly and effectively so that every East County family has access to a quality community college education without the burden of inaccessible tuition or higher taxes.

Jordan also believes that the most important academic goal for our district should be graduating our students equipped with the skills necessary to get good-paying jobs in the community.

“I am committed to forging partnerships between Grossmont-Cuyamaca and employers in our region to streamline the college to career pipeline.”

Lastly, Jordan believes that the district has worked to appease labor unions and other special interest groups at the expense of students for far too long. As a board member, Mr. Gascon would make every decision “solely with the interests of students in mind.”

“With limited resources, we should be selecting district contracts based on what is best for students and taxpayers, not politically connected special interest groups.”

Jordan’s pledge to force out special interests has not gone unnoticed. The American Federation of Teachers has deemed his race a “top priority” and is spending massive amounts of money on false political ads against him. Here are some examples. We have corrected the plethora of misinformation included by AFT.